Riverfield is excited to welcome volunteers this year! If you are looking to volunteer in your student’s classroom or at Riverfield in any capacity this year, please fill out this required volunteer form.

This form must be completed and submitted annually.


Volunteer Committee Openings for 2024-2025:

FIFTH GRADE PARENT COMMITTEE: The chairperson/people will organize volunteers to help coordinate any and all 5th grade special events (i.e. Quassy trip, 5th Grade Variety Show, baseball game, End of Year Slideshow, and 5th Grade t-shirts). Committee will meet throughout the school year as needed.


GREEN TEAM VOLUNTEERS: Join the Riverfield Green Team and teams from all Fairfield elementary schools in helping make our school a more sustainable place and teaching our children about how to keep our environment healthy and beautiful! Possible volunteer opportunities are helping in the lunchroom with composting and food share initiatives, organizing after school activities for our student Green Team, planting sustainable gardens at school, or determining what other projects we should be working on. We are always open to suggestions and new ideas! Looking for volunteers!


LIBRARY COMMITTEE: This committee supports Riverfield’s head librarian. Chairperson responsibilities include:  recruiting  and organizing volunteers. Volunteers assist the librarian with checking in new materials, shelving and filing books and assisting younger children in obtaining  materials. The time commitment will vary throughout the year according to the project. Committee will also assist in any special projects the librarian may need help with.  

Looking for two Co-Chairs!
LOST AND FOUND: Chairperson is responsible for sorting through the lost items bin, selecting/publicizing dates in the fall, winter and spring to display lost items in the lobby at dismissal. Any items not reclaimed will be donated by the chairperson to a local collection site.
Looking for two Co-Chairs!

SILENT AUCTION VOLUNTEERS: Chairs and committee members are responsible for securing a location, hiring  caterers and bartenders, informing room parents what is required for class raffle  baskets, and collecting donations for our silent auction fundraiser.  

Looking for volunteers! This event is coming up on November 1st!




PTA 411