Riverfield School PTA 
Aug 27, 2024
Dear Riverfield Families,
On behalf of the Riverfield Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA), welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are excited to welcome back new and familiar faces as we look forward to another great year of community events.
Each year, we encourage all families to get involved at Riverfield by joining the PTA. As members, you and your family can attend an array of events throughout the year that further enhance the educational experience of all students and help build relationships within our school. The PTA is a non-profit organization, and we need all of you to help make it a success. You can be involved in a variety of ways- from fundraising, to volunteering at social events, to supporting in-school enrichment activities.
We also welcome all parents to join our monthly PTA meetings. You can get updates on PTA activities, hear from Mrs. Dymond and other Riverfield staff, and get involved in the discussion of what is going on at our school.
We are proud at what an energetic and enthusiastic community Riverfield has built over the years and look forward to its continued success. For updated information on what is happening throughout the year- and how you can get involved- please look for our weekly sneak peek and visit our website www.riverfieldschoolpta.com.
There are some important dates to keep in mind as we head back to school:
On the morning of Tuesday, August 27th, please stop by for our Welcome Back Coffee outside the front doors of Riverfield school immediately following drop-off. Volunteer information and sign-up opportunities will also be available.
Our first fun family event of the year will be the Back to School Bash on Friday, September 6th at 6:00 p.m. Bring a blanket, snacks or dinner and join us for games, face painting, and other fun activities behind the school followed by a movie at sundown.
Finally, we welcome all questions, comments or concerns to help the PTA continue to serve our children and the school. These can be directed to me or any member of the PTA board. The listing of executive board members is available on the Riverfield PTA website. Thank you for your support, and best wishes for a wonderful school year!
Kate Steiner
Riverfield PTA President 2024-2025