Room Parents


Welcome to the new school year!  As a Riverfield Parent, this is your opportunity to submit a request to be a Room Parent for your child’s class for the 2024-2025 school year.


Use this form to fill out your availability.


Each class will have one or two Room Parents. Volunteers will be notified during mid-September and will be chosen in the following order:

  1. Parents who have never been room parents.
  2. Parents who have not been a room parent recently.
  3. Other parents who have volunteered.


Primarily, the Room Parents should discuss with the classroom teacher her/his expectations of the Room Parents for the school year.


General responsibilities may include:

  • Acting as a liaison between both the teacher & parents and PTA & parents with information on class events/volunteer opportunities on an as-needed basis.
  • Coordinating projects and events that may require classroom participation
  • Collecting funds for class raffle basket and teacher gifts
  • Coordinating with other room parents to organize at least one grade level event for parents and/or families
  • Attending at least one PTA meeting (per room parent). 

Please contact with any questions. 



PTA 411